greet / leave / boost messages

settings: greet / leave / boost messages ♡

greet / leave / boost messages settings panel

for attaching embeds to your greet / leave / boost messages, view our embed documentation for more details c:

✎ welcoming / greeting message

  • this enables/disables an automatic message that sends when a user joins the server.

  • to set a channel where the greet message should be sent to, use /set greet channel channel:#channel

  • to set the greet message itself, use /set greet message message:text here

  • to test if your greet is made to your liking, use /test greet

  • to disable your greet message, you can set the message to none or disable

if your greet does not send, it's likely mimu doesn't have the proper permissions to send it. ensure that mimu's role Mimu has the SEND MESSAGES and EMBED LINKS permissions in the greet channel.

✎ leaving message

  • this enables/disables an automatic message that sends when a user leaves the server.

  • to set a channel where the leave message should be sent to, use /set leave channel channel:#channel

  • to set the leave message itself, use /set leave message:text here

  • to test if your leave is made to your liking, use /test leave

  • to disable your leave message, you can set the message to none or disable

if your leave does not send, it's likely mimu doesn't have the proper permissions to send it. ensure that mimu's role Mimu has the SEND MESSAGES and EMBED LINKS permissions in the leave channel.

✎ boosting message

  • this enables/disables an automatic message that sends when a user boosts the server.

  • to set a channel where the boost message should be sent to, use /set boost channel channel:#channel

  • to set the boost message itself, use /set boost message message:text here

  • to test if your boost is made to your liking, use /test boost

  • to disable your boost message, you can set the message to none or disable

if your boost does not send, it's likely mimu doesn't have the proper permissions to send it. ensure that mimu's role Mimu has the SEND MESSAGES and EMBED LINKS permissions in the boost channel.

if your server has hit a milestone boost, the boost message may not send.

Last updated