activity + pick spawn

settings: activity + pick spawn ♡

✎ activity channels + settings

  • activity channels are channels where users passively earn the server's currency while chatting.

  • they don't earn currency for every message, though. there is a cooldown for how often they can get currency while actively chatting.

  • to add a channel that you want chatting rewarded with currency, use /set activity channels. a dropdown menu with your server's channels will appear, allowing you to click how ever many/little channels you'd like.

  • to change the server's cooldown, as well as the min/max values, use /set activity settings min:<minimum # of currency given> max:<maximum # of currency given> cooldown:<# in seconds>

adjusting the cooldown is a premium server feature.

✎ pick channels + settings

  • pick spawns are temporary drops of currency that users can "pick up" using /pick

  • pick channels, by extension, are the channels where pick messages will spawn. to add a channel that you want pick messages to spawn, use /set pick channels. a dropdown menu with your server's channels will appear, allowing you to click how ever many/little channels you'd like.

  • additionally, you can adjust the settings of pick spawns.

  • to change the pick settings, use /set pick settings min:<min # of currency dropped> max:<max # of currency dropped> speed:<very fast/fast/medium/slow/very slow> type:<multiple people can /pick per drop/only first person can /pick per drop> hard:<requires a code/does not require a code>

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