.steal [user] [amount] command

this example uses our more complex variables, diving into user arguments with choices/locked choices!

✎ autoresponder command

/autoresponder add trigger:.steal reply:{requirearg:1|user} {requirearg:2|number} {choose:-[$2]|0|[$2]} {lockedchoose:you tried to steal money from [$1] but failed and ended up losing [$2] {server_currency} instead! :notsopog: | you tried to steal money from [$1] but didn't earn any {server_currency}! oops. | you tried to steal money from [$1] and was able to steal [$2] {server_currency} :pog:} {modifybal:-[choice] | [$1]} {modifybal:[choice]} [lockedchoice]

/autoresponder editmatchmode trigger:.steal reply:startswith

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