command roles (type +role)
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this example guide helps you create a lovely list for all of your available roles, as well as the command for when users want to add that role to themselves
/autoresponder add trigger: .roles reply:{embed} **our available roles**
etc. . .
to add a role, use `+[role]`
to remove a role, use `-[role]`
in this example, we are using +[role]
and -[role]
, but you can do anything, like .addrole [role]
, .iam [role]
, .iamnot [role]
or whatever you'd most prefer as the trigger
/autoresponder add trigger:+lollipop reply: {addrole:lollipop}{embed} i have added the @lollipop role to you
/autoresponder add trigger:-lollipop reply:{removerole:lollipop}{embed} i have removed the @lollipop role from you
remember to create an add & remove autoresponder for each role!