command list

this page is unfinished and in progress. sorry for the mess - information may be missing.

in the entirety of the docs, we will use brackets to signify content / arguments you need to replace accordingly: [] = required argument || <> = optional argument

♡ server currency system

for a clearer guide on setting up the currency system, we recommend:

Currency System
example usage

/balance <@user>

/balance /balance user:@iara

checks yours, or someone else's balance

/pet <@user> <remind: true/false>

/pet /pet user:@iara

/pet remind: true

pet mimu for server currency ping another user to automatically give the obtained currency to them. optional "remind" option to remind when cooldown is up.

/snuggle <@user> <remind:true/false>

/snuggle /snuggle user:@iara

snuggle mimu for server currency ping another user to automatically give the obtained currency to them. optional "remind" option to remind when cooldown is up.



click a marshmallow within a timeframe for server currency

/coinflip <guess: heads/tails> <bet:value #>

/coinflip /coinflip guess: heads bet: 10

flip a coin. optionally, gambles a certain sum of money on heads / tails to make double or nothing

/rolldice [bet:value #]

/rolldice bet:10

gambles a given sum of money; getting more than 64 lets you earn the amount bet, more than 90 lets you earn 3x, and 100 lets you earn 9x; otherwise, you lose the amount you bet

/slots [bet:value #]

/slots bet:100

gambles a given sum of money; depending on the number of matches, you will lose/gain currency

/leaderboard <page: value #>

/leaderboard /leaderboard page: 5

view server currency leaderboard

/give currency [@user] [amount #]

/give currency user: @iara amount: 10

gives server currency to another user

/give item [@user] [item]

/give item user: @iara item:apple

gives a server item to another user. only works if the item is giftable

/shop view <page #>

/shop view /shop view page: 2

view the server's shop, if applicable -server admins can add to the shop with /shop add. optionally, view a specific shop page.

/shop buy [item] <amount #>

/shop buy item: flowers /shop buy item: grape amount: 10

buy an item from the server's shop. optionally, choose the amount you'd like to buy.

/drop [amount #]

/drop amount: 100

drop a certain amount of server currency in the channel listed

/pick <code>

/pick code: eT1a

pick up the currency dropped in the channel. optionally insert code if pickhard is turned on.

♡ server manager commands (requires 'manage server' permissions)

example usage

/event start [#channel] [amount] <label> <description>

/event start channel:#giveaways amount:100 label:click here description:click the button to receive 100 monies!

starts an event in a channel in which users who click the button receive the predetermined amount of currency. users can only claim from an event once.

/event end [#channel]

/event end channel:#giveaways

ends a started event- users will no longer be able to collect currency from the event.

/modifybal add [@user] [amount #]

/modifybal add user:@iara amount:100

adds a specified amount of currency to a specified user

/modifybal remove [@user] [amount #]

/modifybal remove user:@iara amount:100

removes a specified amount of currency from a specified user

/settings <group>

/settings /settings group:deny commands

displays current settings and editable options

/set currency [symbol]

/set currency symbol::donut:

sets the server currency to a different symbol

/set currency start [amount #]

/set currency start amount:500

sets a specified amount of currency to be added to a user when they join the server

/set currency onleave [save/delete]

/set currency onleave enable_save:save currency /set currency onleave enable_save:delete currency

sets whether a member's server currency is saved if/when they leave the server

/set currency pet <# minutes> <# amount min> <# amount max>

/set currency pet cooldown:30 min:10 max:100 /set currency pet min:20

sets the cooldown, minimum amount, and/or maximum amount for the /pet command

/set currency snuggle <# minutes> <# amount min> <# amount max>

/set currency snuggle cooldown:60 min:100 max:500 /set currency snuggle max:1000

sets the cooldown, minimum amount, and/or maximum amount for the /snuggle command

/set currency clickcake <# minutes> <# amount>

/set currency clickcake cooldown:15 amount:2

sets the cooldown and/or amount earned per click for the /clickcake command

/set currency bet <# amount min> <# amount max>

/set currency bet min:5 max:25

sets the min and/or max amount of currency that can be bet in gambling commands

/set currency transfer <# amount min> <# amount max> <# amount tax>

/set currency transfer min:10 max:100 tax:10 /set currency transfer tax:5

sets the min, max, and/or tax amount for the /give currency command

/set pick channels

/set pick channels

sends an interactive dropdown menu that allows you to add/remove channels where /pick is spawned

/set pick settings min:<min # amount> max:<max # amount> speed:<very fast/fast/medium/slow/very slow> type:<multiple/only first person> hard:<code/no code>

/set pick settings min:1 max:10 speed:medium type:multiple people can /pick per drop hard:requires a code /set pick settings speed:very fast

sets the min, max, speed, type, and/or code for /pick command.

/reset user balance [user]

/reset user balance user:@iara

resets the server balance for a specified user

/reset user inventory [user]

/reset user inventory user:@iara

resets the server inventory for a specified user

/reset server inventories

/reset server inventories

resets all server inventories for all users

/reset server balances

/reset server balances

resets all server balances for all users

/reset server shop

/reset server shop

resets the server's /shop and items within in

/reset server events

/reset server events

resets all currently running events within the server

♡ custom commands, autoresponder & embed system (requires 'manage server' permissions)

for an intuitive guide on these, we recommend checking out:

example usage

/embed list

/embed list

lists the server's created embeds

/embed create [embed name]

/embed create name:greet

creates a new embed & corresponding text modal to edit the embed's fields. note: non-premium servers have an embed limit of 5, while premium servers are allowed up to 150 embeds.

/embed edit author [embed name] <text><icon>

/embed edit author embed:greet text:{user_name} icon:{user_avatar}

edits the embed's author text and/or icon fields

/embed edit footer [embed name] <text><icon>

/embed edit footerembed:greet text:member number {server_membercount} icon:{server_icon}

edits the embed's footer text and/or icon fields

/embed edit title [embed name] <text>

/embed edit title name:greet title:welcome to {server_name}

edits the embed's title field

/embed edit description [embed name] <text>

/embed edit description name:greet description:hiii {newline} read #rules {newline} make an #intro

edits the embed's description field note: desktop users are unable to create new lines within slash commands. as a workaround, use {newline} where a new line is desired.

/embed edit thumbnail [embed name] <text>

/embed edit thumbnail name:greet image:

edits the embed's thumbnail image

/embed edit color [embed name] <color>

/embed edit color name:greet color:#c0eeff

edit's the embed's color field to a valid hexcode

/embed edit all [embed name]

/embed edit all name:greet

brings up the editing options as buttons, similar to embed create

/embed show [embed name]

/embed show name:greet

previews the embed

/autoresponder add [trigger] [reply]

/autoresponder add trigger:hi reply:hello there!

adds an autoresponder to the server

/autoresponder editreply [trigger] [reply]

/autoresponder editreply trigger:hi reply:no, actually- goodbye >:(

edits the autoresponder's reply

/autoresponder editmatchmode [trigger] [matchmode]

/autoresponder editmatchmode trigger:hi matchmode:startswith

edits the matchmode for an autoresponder

/autoresponder show [trigger]

/autoresponder show trigger:hi

previews the current information of the autoresponder

/autoresponder showraw [trigger]

/autoresponder showraw trigger:hi

previews the current reply of the autoresponder

/autoresponder list

/autoresponder list

shows the list of the server's current autoresponders

♡ creating a server shop (requires 'manage server' permission)

for an intuitive guide on these, we recommend checking out:

setting up a server shop

items already purchased and in a user's inventory do not change, even if the shop item is edited. shop item edits apply to the item when a new purchase is made after the item edit.

example usage

/shop add name:[item name] price:[item price #] stock:[item amount #] role:<@role> description: <item description>

/shop add name:bonk price:10 stock:0 /shop add name:cookie price:5 stock:100 description:have a cookie!!

adds an item to the server's /shop view, for infinite stock, use 0.

/shop edit name item:[current item name] name:[new item name]

/shop edit name item:cookie name:cool cookie

edits an existing item's name in /shop view

/shop edit stock item:[item name] amount:[new stock amount #]

/shop edit stock item:cool cookie amount:500

edits the existing item's stock in /shop view

/shop edit role item:[item name] role:<@role>

/shop edit role item:cool cookie role:@cookie /shop edit role item:chocolate

edits the existing item's role given when used. for no role added, don't fill out the role: field

/shop edit requirerole item:[item name] role:<@role>

/shop edit requirerole item:cool cookie role:@cool persom /shop edit requirerole item:chocolate

edits the existing item's required role to purchase the item. for no role required, don't fill out the role: field

/shop edit removerole item:[item name] role:<@role>

/shop edit removerole item:cool cookie role:@not cool /shop edit removerole item:chocolate

edits the existing item's removed role when using the item. for no role removed, don't fill out the role: field

/shop edit reply item:[item name] reply:<new item reply>

/shop edit reply item:cool cookie reply:you are now cool! /shop edit reply item:chocolate

edits the existing item's reply when using the item. for no custom reply, don't fill out the reply: field

/shop edit price item:[item name] amount:[new price #]

/shop edit price item:cool cookie amount:50

edits the existing item's price in /shop view

/shop edit disablegive item:[item name] disabled:[true/false]

/shop edit disablegive item:cool cookie disabled:true /shop edit disablegive item:chocolate disabled:false

edits the existing item's ability to be given (/give item) to someone else. to allow the item to be given, disabled should be set to false to disallow the item to be given, disabled should be set to true

♡ hotlines, helplines, and crisis resources

example usage

/hotlines online

/hotlines online

shows you (mostly international) online chat-based resources

/hotlines search [country]

/hotlines search country: Canada

searches for country-based hotlines and resources

♡ server manager settings (requires 'manage server' permissions)

example usage

/reset server all

/reset server all

resets the server's data for mimu. this includes settings, autoresponders, embeds, etc. note: this command is irreversible!

/reset server autoresponders

/reset server autoresponders

resets the server's autoresponders

/reset server embeds

/reset server embeds

resets the server's embeds

/set custom embedcolor [color]

/set custom embedcolor color:#ffeeff

sets every embed color that mimu sends, excluding embeds made with /embed create

/set currency confirmbuy [enable_confirm: true/false]

/set misc confirmbuy enable_confirm:have buying confirmation

sets whether a confirmation message is sent after a user buys an item from /shop view

/set currency itemids [enable_devmode: true/false]

/set misc devmode enable_devmode:show item ids

sets whether item IDs are shown in /shop view

/set greet message <text>

/set greet message message:well hello {user}!

sets the server's greet message for when a user joins the server

/set greet channel <#channel>

/set greet channel channel:#welcome

sets the channel for the server's greet messages to send to

/set leave message <text>

/set leave message message:oh. goodbye then, {user_name}

sets the server's leave message for when a user leaves the server

/set leave channel <#channel>

/set leave channel channel:#goodbye

sets the channel for the server's leave messages to send to

/set boost message <text>

/set boost message message:wow! {user} just boosted us :o

sets the server's boost message for when a user boosts the server

/set boost channel <#channel>

/set boost channel channel:#boosties

sets the channel for the server's boost messages to send to

♡ pet caretaking commands (requires a pet)

for more information on pets, we recommend checking out

petstaking care of your pet
example usage



plays with your pet - requires no happiness, extends both happiness and lifetime



feeds your pet- requires both food and a relatively high happiness. extends lifetime.


/playdate user:@iara

playdate with another owner's pet- requires both food and a recommended happiness above 70. extends happiness and lifetime of both pets


/cozy users: @iara @jamie @irene @sil @avi

cozy with up to 5 other owners and their pets- requires both food from the user who ran the command and a recommended happiness above 80 from all pets. extends happiness and lifetime for all pets

/activity breaktime

/activity breaktime

take a break with your pet- requires food and extends lifetime.

/activity fetch

/activity fetch

play fetch with your pet- no requirements, raises both happiness and lifetime

/activity hike

/activity hike

go on a hike with your pet- no requirements, raises both happiness and lifetime

/activity swim

/activity swim

swim with your pet- no requirements, raises lifetime

/activity visit

/activity visit user:@iara

visit another pet- requires over 80 happiness from the user who ran the command, raises the mentioned owner's pet's happiness

/activity heal

/activity heal user:@iara

heal another pet- requires over 80 happiness and over a week of lifetime from the user who ran the command, decreases lifetime to add lifetime to the mentioned owner's pet

/activity stroll

/activity stroll user:@iara

go on a stroll with another pet- requires at least 8 food from the user who ran the command, raises both pets' lifetime and has a chance of earning stars

/activity sing

/activity sing

try karaoke with your pet- no requirements, gives a small amount of stars

/activity draw

/activity draw

draw with your pet- no requirements, raises both lifetime and happiness

/activity snooze

/activity snooze

take a nap with your pet- requires over 30 happiness, raises lifetime but lowers happiness in exchange

/activity dream

/activity dream

dream with another pet- requires at least 10 food from the user who ran the command, gives both users a small amount of stars

/activity explore

/activity explore

go foraging with your pet- reduces happiness, but gives some pet food

/activity manifest

/activity manifest user:@iara

manifest with another pet- costs stars from the user who ran the command, raises both lifetime and happiness for both pets

Last updated