.8ball [text] command

✎ autoresponder commands

/autoresponder add trigger:.8ball reply:{requirearg:1} {delete} {embed:#00008b} {choose: as i see it, yes. | ask again later. | better not tell you now. | cannot predict now. | concentrate and ask again. | don’t count on it. | it is certain. | it is decidedly so. | most likely. | my reply is no. | my sources say no. | outlook not so good. | outlook good. | reply hazy, try again. | signs point to yes. | very doubtful. | without a doubt. | yes. | you may rely on it. | yes β€” definitely. } {modifybal: +1} `🎱` your question . . . > [$1+] `🎱` you shake your magic eight ball and it tells you . . . [choice]

/autoresponder editmatchmode trigger:.8ball matchmode:startswith

Last updated