currency / economy

settings: currency / economy ♡

this encompasses all settings that affect the server's currency or economy. below, the settings on this panel will be addressed from left to right.

✎ currency symbol

  • this changes the symbol of the currency/money earned within the server.

  • this includes /balance, /leaderboard, and /shop. in variables, this can be referred with {server_currency}

  • to change this value, you can use /set currency symbol symbol:[symbol here]

✎ starting balance

  • this setting changes what amount of currency a user will receive when they join the server.

  • this setting does not apply retroactively-- meaning if the user joined the server before the starting balance setting was changed, they won't receive the currency.

  • to change this value, you can use /set currency start amount:#

✎ when member leave

  • this changes if a member's server balance is saved if/when they leave the server.

  • this setting does not apply retroactively-- meaning if the user left the server before the setting was changed, the change won't apply to their balance.

  • to change this value, you can use /set currency onleave enable_save:[save currency/delete currency]

if you would like to add currency to a role or to individual users, you can use /modifyrolebal or /modifybal

/pet command

  • this changes the values and/or cooldown for the server's /pet command

  • to change one or more of these values, use /set currency pet cooldown:<# in minutes> min:<# of currency earned minimally> max:<# of currency earned maximally>

/snuggle command

  • this changes the values and/or cooldown for the server's /snuggle command

  • to change one or more of these values, use /set currency snuggle cooldown:<# in minutes> min:<# of currency earned minimally> max:<# of currency earned maximally>

/clickcake command

  • this changes the value and/or cooldown for the server's /clickcake command

  • to change one or both of these values, use /set currency clickcake cooldown:<# in minutes> value:<# of currency per click>

✎ gambling bet limitations

  • this changes the limitations of how little/how much a user can bet with /slots, /coinflip, and /rolldice

  • to change one or both of these values, use /set currency bet min:<# of currency minimum required to bet> max:<# of currency maximum allowed to be bet>

✎ transfer limitations

  • this changes the limitations of how little/how much, as well as the percent of tax taken, users can give using /give currency

  • to change one or more of these values, use `/set currency transfer min:<# of currency that can be minimally transferred> max:<max # of currency allowed to be given> tax:<# percent of tax taken from the currency given>

/shop buying confirmation

  • this enables/disables a confirmation message that appears when a user tries to purchase something from the server's /shop view

  • to change this value, you can use /set currency confirmbuy enable_confirm:[have buying confirmation/no buying confirmation]

/shop show item ids

  • this enables/disables whether the item's ID will appear in /shop view

  • to change this value, use /set currency itemids enable_devmode:[show item ids/hide item ids]

/shop discounts

  • this creates a shop-wide discount sale-- every item in the server's /shop view becomes discounted at a set percent for a set amount of time

  • to activate this, use /set currency discount percent:[% off] for:[amount of time]

Last updated